New Year’s Resolutions — Fitness

Well, it’s that time of year again, to think about how to make the next year even better. I’m going to post a few resolutions so that they are in a public place. I hope that will motivate me to keep to my commitments.

For the fitness aspect, I realise that I have to get into better shape. I’m not...

Toronto Real Estate

The wife and I are sitting around, trying to figure out if we can buy a new house. We’re looking to move slightly up into a different school catchment, but stay in the same overall ’hood. So I cooked up a spreadsheet that calculates all the variables that I could think of:

  • What we’d sell this house for
  • The...

Eclipse on Mac OS X Cocoa

Just got my new MacBook Pro laptop up and running, and I’m stoked with it. I really dig working on it. I also dig Eclipse as an IDE and development platform. So, it was interesting to see these two coming together: Steve Northover has posted about how he was working at Apple to get SWT (the core of Eclipse)...


This is my first post to my blog. I hope there will be more to follow.