Collaborative Software for Scientists
Science, Scimatic ·Crossposted from the Scimatic Blog.
At Scimatic, building software for scientists is our raison d’être. Which is why we’re always excited to see the other folks in the space build stuff as well!
Building Built-in Bookcases from Billys, the Bridge
House, Renovation ·After part one of installing the Billy built-ins, here’s the next section.
New Online Authoring Tools for Collaborative Manuscripts
Science, Scimatic ·Crossposted from the Scimatic blog.
Our friend Kaitlin Thaney (@kaythaney) pointed out a newly funded collaborative editor company Authorea (@authorea) . Authorea would seem to be in competition with writeLaTeX (@writelatex) to corner the market on browser-based collaborative editors.
A Fond Farewell
Scimatic, Tech ·Crossposted from the Scimatic Blog.
We at Scimatic were very excited to work with Alex Greikspoor and his Mekentosj team to create the first version of Papers for Windows. There’s a lot of competition in the reference management space, from Mendeley and ReadCube, but Papers still stands out as...
Building Built-in Bookcases from Billys, the Beginning
House, Renovation ·After building the Pax closet organizer, I wanted to try my hand at a set of built in book cases. There are a number of how-to’s on the web, and this is a pretty common idea: